Exercises based on yoga relieve the symptoms associated with menstruation.
Viparita karani – fanfold 2 blankets and place them in parallel to the wall. Lay your hips on them, moving your buttocks to the wall. Lie down on your back, bend your arms in the elbows and place them on the floor with palms facing upwards. Rest your straightened knees against the wall and spread your legs wide enough to feel slight stretching on the inner sides of your thighs. Rest your heels against the wall, flex the front parts of your thighs. Relax your back, arms and abdomen. Hold this position for 2 to 5 minutes. This exercise relaxes the lower abdomen and the pelvic floor muscles.
Supta baddha kona sana – Fold 2 blankes – one into a rectangle, the other into a square. Sit down, facing the wall. Bend your knees and make the soles of your feet join each other and the toes touch the wall. Lie down on the blankets so that your back rests on the blanket folded in a rectangle and the head on the blanket folded in a square; the hips should lie on the floor. Relax your legs and let the knees drop down to the sides. Place your hands on the floor, moving them away from your body, palms facing upwards. The shoulder blades should lie flat on the floor. Relax the muscles of your whole body. Hold this position for 2 to 5 minutes. This exercise relaxes the groin region.
Swastikaasana – Place a chair approximately 50 cm from the wall and place a folded blanket on its seat. Another folded blanket place along the wall and sit on the blanket, facing the chair, so that your buttocks touch the wall slightly. Bend your knees so that they form a right angle and cross your legs, placing the right leg on the left one. Rest the forearms on the blanket, then rest your forehead on your hands, tilting your body forward. The elbows can drop down loosely. Keep your back straight. Relax the leg and abdominal muscles. Let the knees drop outwards. Hold this position for 1 minute and repeat, crossing your legs in a way that, this time, your left leg is placed on the right one. This exercise relaxes the groin region and the pelvic floor.
Virasana– Place a chair approximately 50 cm from the wall and place a folded blanket on its seat. Kneel down, facing the chair, with your toes slightly touching the wall. Sit on your heels and join the largest toes of both feet together. Rest the forearms together on the blanket and rest your forehead on them, tilting your body forward. Keep your back straight. Relax the shoulder region and the neck. Hold this position for 2 to 5 minutes. This exercise relaxes the crotch region and pelvic floor.
On the packaging of products, such as sanitary napkins, panty liners and tampons, you can see the marking:
It is to clearly indicate where used hygiene products should go and illustrate the consequences of their improper disposal.
Thanks to proper segregation, we contribute to reducing the amount of waste of hygiene products thrown into toilets and, consequently, ending up in the seas and oceans.
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