Exercises for a specific part of the body should be repeated at least 3 times a week. After 6 weeks, you should achieve a measurable effect!
Bridge – Lie down on your back with hands along your body. Bend your knees, with the feet flat on the floor. Raise your hips so that your body and thighs create a straight line. Without lowering your pelvis, straighten your right knee with the foot flexed. Count to 3, lower the right foot to the floor and slowly lower your hips. Repeat with the left knee. Do 12-15 repetitions. This exercise firms your glutes.
Kickback – Kneel down with your hands on the floor. Position your hands in one line under your shoulders, while the knees under your hips. Pull in your stomach. Straighten back your right leg to the hip level. Return slowly to the initial position. Make sure your spine does not bend. Do 15-20 repetitions in a round and change the leg. This exercise firms your glutes and the back of your thighs.
Raising dumbbells – Kneel down with your hands on the floor. Position your hands in one line under your shoulders, while the knees under your hips. Put a dumbbell in the bend of your knee. Flexing your glutes, raise your right leg back. Stop the motion when your knee goes slightly above the hip level. Lower the leg slowly to the initial position. Do not put your knee on the floor, stop it right above it. Do 12-15 repetitions. This exercise firms your glutes.
Sit-ups – Lie down on your back. Bend your knees, heels on the floor, feet flexed. Rest your head on your hands. Press the heels towards the floor. Pull in your stomach and raise your head, hands and shoulder blades. Make sure you do not move your chin towards your chest. Return slowly to the initial position. Do 20 repetitions in a round. This exercise mainly firms the straight abdominal muscle
Sit-ups II – Lie down on your back, bend your hips and knees so that they form a right angle. Rest your head on your hands. Pull in your stomach. Raise your head, hands and shoulder blades. At the same time, straighten you right knee so that your right leg is at a 45° angle in relation to the floor. Return slowly to the initial position. Repeat with the left leg. Do 20 repetitions in a round, straightening your knees alternately. This exercise mainly firms the straight abdominal muscle.
Sit-ups III – Take one (1-3 kg) or two (1-3 kg each) dumbbells and sit on a mat. Bend your knees, heels on the floor, feet flexed. Bring your hands with the dumbbell(s) close to your chest. Pull in your stomach, retract your shoulder blades. Slowly lower your body to the lying position, vertebra after vertebra. At the same time, press the heels towards the floor. Raise your body to the sitting position. Do 15-20 repetitions in a round. This exercise mainly firms the straight abdominal muscle.
Sitting elbow extension – Take a dumbbell (2-4 kg) to your right hand and sit cross-legged on a mat. Raise your hand with the dumbbell vertically with the back of your hand facing outwards. Place your right hand directly below your right elbow. Bend your right elbow, lowering the dumbbell towards your shoulder blade. Without moving your right arm, straighten the elbow, raising the dumbbell. Slowly bend the elbow, returning to the initial position. Do 12-15 repetitions in a round and change the hand. This exercise firms the arm backs.
Elbow extension in supported kneeling – Take a dumbbell (2-4 kg) to your right hand and adopt the supported kneeling position. Position your left hand in one line under your shoulder, while the knees under your hips. Bend your right elbow so that it forms a right angle and press it to your waist. Position the forearm and hand holding the dumbbell vertically downwards. Straighten the elbow, raising the dumbbell backwards. Make sure that your elbow does not change its position during this exercise. Slowly bend the elbow and return to the initial position. Do 12-15 repetitions in a round and change the hand. This exercise firms the arm backs.
Push-up – Adopt the supported kneeling position and then move your hands forward by 20-30 cm. The hands, spread to the width of your shoulders, should be in one line under the shoulders. Your fingers should face forward. In such a body position, the knee bend angle will change from a right angle to an obtuse angle. Slowly bend your elbows, keeping them as close to your body as possible. In order to do this exercise correctly, do not lower your body vertically downwards, but forward. Stop the motion when your chest is close to the mat. Slowly straighten the elbows and return to the initial position. Do 12-15 repetitions in a round. This exercise firms the arm backs.
Supported straddle – Adopt the supported kneeling position; then straighten your legs back so that the body load rests only on your hands and the front parts of your feet. Knees straight, but not locked. The legs, body and head create a straight line. With little steps to the side, alternately with one leg and the other, do a straddle. Then, bring your legs together again with the same little steps. Do 6-8 repetitions in a round. This exercises firms: the pectoral, abdominal and back muscles as well as the glutes and the back of the thighs.
Star – Adopt the supported kneeling position. Position your hands in one line under your shoulders, while the knees under your hips. Straighten the right leg backwards and support it on the tip of the shoe. Then, shift the body load to the left knee and the left hand. Lift your right hand from the mat and, turning your body to the right, raise your straightened arm. Additionally, raise your right leg to the side, to the hip level. Count to 5 and return to the initial position in a reverse order of the moves. Do 8-10 repetitions in a round. This exercise firms: the back, abdominal and hip muscles
Spiral – Adopt the supported kneeling position. Then, straighten your leg backwards so that your body load rests only on your hands and the front parts of your feet; knees straight, but not locked. The legs, body and head create a straight line. Lift your left foot from the floor and, bending your left knee, move it under your body towards your right elbow. Return your leg to the initial position. Do 8-10 repetitions in a round and change the leg. This exercises firms: the pectoral, abdominal and back muscles as well as the glutes and the back of the thighs.
Knife – Lie down on your left side. Support your body on your left forearm, place your right hand in front of your body. The left leg is an extension of your body. Bend the right leg in the knee, and put the foot in front of your left knee. Raise your left leg. Make sure that your right hip does not drop backwards. Slowly lower your leg. Do 12-15 repetitions in a round and change the leg. This exercise firms: the inner and side thigh and hip muscles.
Scissors – Lie down on your left side. Support your body on your left forearm, place your right hand in front of your body. Your straightened legs are an extension of the body. Pull in your stomach. Raise your right leg so that the hips do not change their position (you need to lie on your left hip, not the buttock). Then, raise you left leg around 15 cm above the floor. Slowly return to the initial position in reverse order of the moves. Do 10-12 repetitions and change the side. This exercise firms: the inner and side thigh and hip muscles.
Pendulum – Lie down on your left side. Support your body on your left forearm, place your right hand in front of your body. Your straightened legs are an extension of the body. Pull in your stomach. Raise your joint legs. You should lie on your left hip all the time, not your buttock. Slowly lower your legs to the floor. Do 10-12 repetitions and change the side. The exercise firms: the inner and side thigh and hip muscles; and additionally the back and abdominal muscles.
Squats – Take dumbbells and stand in a straddle, spreading your legs to a slightly larger width than that of your hips. Point the tips of your shoes slightly outwards. Support your hands with the dumbbells on your hips. Pull in your stomach, retract your shoulder blades. Bend your knees and do a squat. Make sure that your knees do not go beyond the tips of your shoes and do not turn inwards. Hold this position, counting to 5. Straighten your knees slowly. Do 15 repetitions in a round. This exercise firms the front parts of your thighs.
Side lunges – Take dumbbells and stand in a straddle, spreading your legs to a slightly larger width than that of your hips. Put your hands with the dumbbells freely along your body. Pull in your stomach, retract your shoulder blades. Do a side lunge with your left leg. Bend your left knee to a half-squat, the right knee straight. At the same time, bend your elbows, moving the dumbbells closer to your shoulders. Bouncing on your left leg, return to the initial position and slowly straighten your elbows. Do 12-15 repetitions in a round and change to right side lunges. This exercise firms: the front and inner parts of your thighs, calves and glutes as well as arm fronts
Front lunges – Take dumbbells and stand in a straddle, spreading your legs to a slightly larger width than that of your hips. Put your hands with the dumbbells freely along your body. Pull in your stomach, retract your shoulder blades. Do a front lunge with your left leg. At the same time, bend your elbows, moving the hands with the dumbbells closer to your shoulders. Then, bend your left knee so that it is in one line above your ankle, while the right above the floor, right heel lifted. Do not tilt your body forward. Straighten your arms over your head. Return to the initial position in a reverse order of the moves. Do 12-15 repetitions in a round and change the leg. This exercise firms: the front parts of the thighs, calves, arm fronts, deltoids and upper back muscles.
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